DAG - définition. Qu'est-ce que DAG
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est DAG - définition

DAG; Dag (crater); Dags; Dag (tv series); Dag (disambiguation); DAG (TV series); DAG (disambiguation)

·noun A misty shower; dew.
II. Dag ·noun A dagger; a poniard.
III. Dag ·vt To daggle or bemire.
IV. Dag ·noun A large pistol formerly used.
V. Dag ·noun A loose end; a dangling shred.
VI. Dag ·noun The unbranched antler of a young deer.
VII. Dag ·vi To be misty; to Drizzle.
VIII. Dag ·vt To cut into jags or points; to Slash; as, to dag a garment.
A term of many uses, it can be used for anger, humor, or to say, something is sweet :)
Dag! (s)he's HOT!, Dag yo, thats messed up, Dag!
1. <architecture> Data Address Generator. 2. <mathematics> directed acyclic graph. (1997-08-30)



Dag, or variant forms, may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour DAG
1. Dag!
King Arthur (2004)
2. Dag!
King Arthur (2004)
3. - Dag! - Cover him.
King Arthur (2004)
4. and royal arse-kisser. Won't you, Dag?
King Arthur (2004)
5. Who murdered Dag Svensson and Mia Johansson? who was behind the big
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo & Philosophy _ Tyler Shores _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour DAG
1. The original name was En dag för Dag ("A day for Dag"). Later it took on the form Dagsverke.
2. Dag Skattum, a dual national of the US and Norway, has been with JPMorgan since 1'86.
3. "We will have to look into it," Telenor spokesman Dag Melgaard said.
4. Dag Melgaard, spokesman for Telenor, said the incident would have serious consequences for Alfa Group.
5. The government initiated legal proceedings against Dag Suf as well, and they are still underway.